Sat 11 Jan
?? How Many Lick$ does it take to get to Th€ *$pecials 65$ 20mins 85 $30mins 125$ 45min 125 $ 60mins - 25
(Winston / Salem, Every where U never there)
Kissing Kendall visiting ... Come out & play guys.. 125hr TEXT IS NOT AVAILABLE ON MY PHONE - 32
(Winston / Salem, hanes mall area)
Cc/$ RSVP Last Day In Town ~RachaelMyles~ "Vouched 5*Rev'$&Rep; & Respected 937-301-5269 - 49
(Hanes Mall Residence, Winston / Salem)
V00D00B00T!E * FAV0R!TE __________ ____ SWEET * MANDY * 38G's ____ __________ H0ST!NG in H!GH P0!NT - 25
(High Point Incall ONLY, Winston / Salem)
New Pics!!!Quick Visits only!!! Specials!!! OUTCALL Only!!!! - 27
(Winston / Salem, Winston-Salem/ OUTCALL)
$10 Off Thursday ** Catering to Mature Male Clientele ** Welcome to Coco's Playhouse!! - 44
(Winston / Salem, Winston-Salem)
Fri 10 Jan
WickedlyWild Skills AvailNow! ~Ravishing Rachael Myles!~ "HighlyVouched/Reviewed" 937-301-5269. - 48
(Winston / Salem, W/S. ClassyIncall Only)
((( HOT ))) S E X Y ((( BLONDE ))) BOMBSHELL * *100% REaL°*° 100% FUN!! - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro IN/OUT)
Married Woman to Show You the Time of Your Life! - 19
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, city)
Thu 09 Jan
Miss Jewel is where you need to be! Im every mans bestfriend! - 21
(Winston / Salem, incall/outcall)
°**° Kelly The Playmate °**° 919 757 8900 °**° Special!! ✻ 80 quickie ✻ - 25
(TYVOLA incall)
【★Attractive★ 】 ★【★ ExoTic★】🔥 BuSty HoTTie 🔥★ - 23
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, High Point, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, 🔥)
thomasville incall BRAND NEW * green eyes * IVORY SKIN * natural redhead * - 30
(Winston / Salem, thomasville INCALL)
•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:•★ Cherokee Baby Doll °•★•° Mi$$ Torrin °•★•° 100% REAL.. Outcall ONLY •.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:•★ - 24
(Winston / Salem, Greensboro Incall/ Winston Outcall)
:::::SHAY::::: **sexy ** classy ** beautiful** 791-9835 OUTCALL ONLY!!!!!!!!!!! - 26
(Winston / Salem, Winston Salem OUTCALL)
Wed 08 Jan
Kinky Katie in your area and ready to play! - 24
(Winston / Salem, winston-salem in/out greensboro out call)
ExCELLENT REV!EWS _________ ____ HaNES M@LL INCaLL & ExPRESS DELIVeRY ____ _________ DAMMIT GINA 36g - 36
Tue 07 Jan
~*~*~ Let Me Show You What You've Been Missing ~*~*~ Visiting - 31
(Winston / Salem, incalls/Winston Salem)
=^.^= make me purrrrrr! *sweet & petite* - 23
(Winston / Salem, Winston/gboro/Burlington/everywhere!)
Sat 04 Jan